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Rules for Board Proceedings and Other Rules of the Transportation Board

Read the Rules Applicable to the Transportation Board

There are a variety of other Rules applicable to the Board depending on the proceedings before it.  Please click the link and then click on Agency of Transportation.  The Transportation Board will appear as the first sub-agency.  Clicking on the Transportation Board will show the variety of rules applicable to the Transportation Board, including the General Rules Applicable to Board Proceedings. 


Auto Maker and Dealer Dispute Rules

Read the Auto Maker and Dealer Dispute Rules

The purpose of these rules is to establish the operating procedures regarding the Vermont Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers Franchising Practices Act, which authorizes the Board to regulate business practices among motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and dealers.


Rules for Naming State Transportation Facilities

Read the Rules for Naming Transportation Facilities

The Transportation Board was charged by the Vermont Legislature to adopt rules for naming transportation facilities that are owned, operated or controlled by the State of Vermont. Such facilities include, but are not limited to, bridges, rest areas, airplane hangers, rail stations and highways. For more information email